About Shawn Hartley


Shawn Hartley


I’ve been building web things, driving web traffic, and make things easier for people to find for over 20 years. I am an expert at Marketing Technology, Web Development and pretty solid with Information Security. I’ve managed both creative and technology teams to deliver award winning websites and manage a network infrastructure of several servers in multiple data centers and AWS cloud environments.

I’ve also worked with WordPress since its earliest days developing and publishing several trade and sports publications.

I believe every person, business and organization should have a great website on a platform that they own and control. Control your platform, use social channels for sharing and outreach.

Industries: Advertising, Marketing & Sales

Short list: Bitcoin | Idea Man | Problem Solver | Marketer | Technologist.

Strengths Finder

1. Strategic
2. Ideation
3. Relator
4. Self-Assurance
5. Responsibility

Professional Site:

Shawn Hartley



  • Corporate Three Design (Vice President / Digital Marketing Director)
  • AdPulp (Cofounder, no longer associated with site)
  • Turnpost (Director-Interactive Technology)
  • Corporate 3 Design (Full Stack Web Developer)
  • Bozell (Director of Interactive Technology)


I’m always playing around with new projects, domains and applications. Currently I’m working behind the scenes on Hartley.co, Hartley.dev, Hartley Marketing, and SmokeFireBBQ.

Don’t forget the special sauce.