Welcome to sh2.com, the personal site of Shawn Hartley.

I’m moving some things around a bit in preparation for some site upgrades. The homepage used to have a feed of my blog posts, but that has now moved to its own page at /blog/.

About Shawn

I’m Shawn Hartley, a web developer & marketer based in Omaha, NE. By day, I’m VP of Interactive for the digital agency Corporate Three Design. I’m an expert in most things WordPress and also own a WordPress hosting company by the name of LargeMountain.

Recent Posts

  • Exploring Digital Marketing Trends for 2024
    As we dive into 2024, let’s unravel the dynamic world of digital marketing. Trends come and go, but our focus here is on the impactful shifts that digital marketers must not only understand but also adeptly navigate. Embracing AI in Marketing: More Than Just Content … Read Full Post
  • Year in Places 2023 Edition
    Closing out 2023 with my annual Year in Places. A list of locations where I spent at least one night away from home. This is my 11th year of doing these, mainly for my benefit. Previous years are all categorized under Travels if you have … Read Full Post
  • Storm Clouds
    Watching the storm clouds build and roll by on an early Sunday evening. Here’s a gallery of the unmodified photos:
This is a picture I took on my last trip to Zion National Park on the Mount Carmel Highway.
This is a picture I took on my last trip to Zion National Park on the Mount Carmel Highway.